heart to art

Teacher Zheng Huimei upholds the original intention of painting what I can and what I know, and happily paints the special landscapes and beautiful scenery at home and abroad as an expression and record of the state of mind, hoping to express the true feelings in form and color.

Black and White Longitude and Weft - Liao Bensheng Solo Exhibition

Teacher Liao Bensheng tries to find some fusion points between the aesthetics of the East and the West, the differences in the discussion of painting, religious spirit, life level, ideology, etc., and reinterprets the definition of Chinese painting, trying to explore a new way of thinking for Chinese painting. !

【Original Countryside Feelings】Painting Exhibition

This is an exhibition of international art and cultural exchanges, and you are invited to come and enjoy it!

Japan Showcase Taiwan Exhibitors Joint Exhibition was grandly launched on February 12

This is an exhibition of international art and cultural exchanges, and you are invited to come and enjoy it!

gaze. Home will. reproduce

"Gaze. Home General. Reappearance" ~ Mr. Zhuang Yuyou drew the strangeness, curiosity, contact, interaction, and emotion of the eight generals in the past 11 years, and participated in the long-term travel around the country with the group, all kinds of emotions and associations...